Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas tell us: 'it’s critical that you write code that is readable and easy to reason about.' This seems uncontroversial; it is the rare point on which software engineers typically agree. Or do they?
The library locker antipattern occurs when we try to add functionality to a library function, but do so without separating concerns.
Avoid writing brittle Clojure with tactics for flexibility and robustness.
Feature branching with large monoliths causes merge hell. Microservices promise independent deployability. But sometimes you get distributed merge hell
Are debates about software just differences of opinion? Or do we have the evidence necessary to identify what works and what doesn't? How the Annual Devops Report can resolve questions about the best practices in software development
The polymath Blaise Pascal envisaged a triangle built of numbers. Pascal’s triangle — as it is usually called, despite the fact that its discovery predated Pascal by centuries — has the interesting property that each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.
A procedure is recursive if it invokes itself. This article explains recursion in a simple way by examining functions that convert between Arabic and roman numerals.